Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hello people, it is Halloween today! It was pretty mundane for an event as we just went out to play our daily routine activities. I also had self defense lesson organized by NPCC this morning and it was quite enjoyable too. However I prefer to have inline skating, preferably of the outdoor environment. Hmm, I don’t have pretty much to update for today, except for the fact that I was bothered by phone calls during my 1 hour nap today. Ahh, HI programme is starting next week and hopefully it will be successful.
And stop making me insecure, I need substantiation. =D=

Friday, October 30, 2009

Heh, it is the last day of the school term for the year (not for the sec3s because of Holiday Intensive program). Nonetheless, many teachers treated this day as a day to appreciate what students have done. Specifically, Mrs Tan, since she gave us oreo cookies and a small pointer card as a gift. This is probably due to the fact that she won’t be taking us for the HI programme. She wrote something about I should appreciate finest things in life instead of excelling in studies. This proves that the impression that I have given to the teachers are positive, but may seems like a façade if they found out that I am neither fervent, zealous and prepared for academic grades. However, this is really weird as I don’t think I’m a geek ( not that I’m despising them ). So, does that means that I look like one? Hahaha, maybe to certain extend, but it doesn’t really matters, does it?

Lengthy for a break, but I just have too much time to spare. Thank you for reading and peace out.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Gahhh, I'm bored. It sucks to be at home when you are sick right? Yet we all want to skip school by having mc at certain time of our lives. The irony of us, is unexplainable. Anyway, just want to type randomly for this post since the motive is for me to kill time away. Look, it's childrens' day, means happy birthday to hsingliang! 

Anyway, I would like to thank zuoxiong and ceslie for helping me for the past 2 days [ including today] as I was absent from school. Thank you zuoxiong for delivering homework to my house and ceslie for her get-well-soon letter and reminders in it. 

Speaking of sick, I was at woodlands polyclinic yesterday and I waited for 1h30mins for my turn? It was disinteresting, I managed to beat my own tower block record in my phone. I think it's around 170 stories with 10k plus population in it. Nonetheless, the consultation took only less than 2 minutes and I was given 3 days MC. Woooo! 

This leads me to the next incident, feeling of earthquake shockwaves. I think most of you would have feel it. My condolences to the victims of the 7.9 magnitude earthquake in Jarkata. 

Hmm, let bygones be gone. Tomorrow I will have my literature elective and emaths 1 paper. I think I'm prepared for emaths due to the constant hell training by mr lim. Literature, I don't think I'm ready since I got pretty low marks for the latest common test. Since then, there isn't much practice in class or home. Nonetheless, I reckon I can do well if I don't get mental blocks and nervousness striking me right on the spine. Content heavy papers will be carried on till next thursday. It may looked alot, having 2 papers per day, but in fact it only compromises of 4 subjects: 2 sciences 2 maths. I think I'm prepared somehow in class, gonna seat through all these papers while enjoying it.